8 Mar 2013

Photographer’s Notes

Lighting was fine, the only trouble I found with lighting was while shooting Soulfly’s Tony Campos and Marc Rizzo who stayed out of the limelight and decided to hide in the dark. Another problem with lighting is that I was using a 420EX which is a pretty old school flash. With no knowledge whatsoever, took it out for a ride and start shooting.
Lens used were 8mm Samyang f/3.5 and 15-85mm f/3.5 alongside my 7D. 8mm Samyang works well in the moshpit and it helped me to get intimate with the crowd. Shooting in the moshpit is a hell of fun but keep an eye for flying punches and kicks. Always have the focus ready and one hand steady to protect your gear and yourself.
here’s a gif that I made from a few pictures from the moshpit:

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